(עב) תהל נס
Transparent Contact
Our world moves in circles. The circle of life, the zodiac cycle, “round and round whirls the wind, and ever it returns on its course” (Ecc. 1:6). The circle is perfect, cyclic, monotonous, but it is also subjected to a constant move, a relentless effort to renovate and grow old, gush-forth – and return to its source, burn while molten and cool into solid; Become shattered and then reattached. To me, the cyclic hoop embraces the human experience of formation and decay, crush and renewal; a frozen crystallized glass accumulating movement, life textures, emotions and memories.
Like the surface of water sending its ripples around in circles when a stone is cast into it, so move the circles from the powerful central point, from the human soul, expanding over and over again. My creative process moves in similar circles: a deep, inner point expresses its movement outwards, around and around towards my body parts, towards the glass. The circular motion flows in all directions, like the circle of life – originating from within, echoing ripples in circles, and as it wanes, it is reborn. So am I.